Saturday, November 20, 2010

Time to clean the windows?

Cor, I am NOT cleaning that one!
Quite some time ago, I came across the theory that ghosts, aliens, visitations, sightings, and a whole host of ethereal, mysterious, mind-boggling and unexplained phenomena can be explained by one thing.

Time Travel.

Well, not specifically Time Travel. More like Time...Windows?
By which I mean, little windows in time that offer glimpses - fleeting or otherwise - of another time, perhaps another place. Now, I'm not necessarily claiming that this *is* in fact a way of explaining all the abovementioned unexplainables. 
It is, however, a very intriguing idea...

Sunday, November 14, 2010

On the use of technology to unfetter, not enchain...

I recently read this blog and I felt compelled to produce a response.

See normally, in other circumstances, I'd agree with Mr. Tierney. In fact, I do agree with him, on a number of points. I love books. I love the look of them, the feel of them, the smell of them. I've experienced all of the things mentioned in that blog in relation to books. I'd like to state, right here, for the record: I sincerely, unequivocally, most strenuously hope and wish that books - real, physical books - will remain a part of the human experience for as long as there is a human to experience it.