Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Next Big Thing

So, I was recently humbled to find that one of my writerly friends had nominated me in this 'Next Big Thing' bloghop/tagfest. I've known  J. Michael Melican for quite some time online, and we recently met at the first Genrecon last year. I think I can safely say that he is the primary motivator behind my recent spate of writing, so... thanks for the shout out. Much appreciated!

For those who don't know, the bloghop works thusly: basically, a writer/blogger gets tagged, write an intro where they shout out & link back to their tagger, and then answer the 10 questions listed below about current work (or works!) in progress. At the end, they tag another author or three or four, and the process repeats itself. 

Without further ado, then: