Sunday, September 19, 2010

A bad case of writers blog

Yes ok, two blogs in one day? What the...?

I write when I feel the urge. I'm not going to force a blog entry out, just cos I feel the need to keep to at least a 'one-a-week' schedule.  Having said that, yes, I do intend to make one (quasi-interesting) blog entry every week.  Or close to, anyway.

At the start of this blog, I sort of wanted to keep out any hint of my writing something which may or may not turn into a novel of sorts one day.  But, I... changed my mind.  Part of it has something to do with this blog.  In a way, I'm kind of using this blog as a way of doing research, and clarifying the thought processes that are going into the background of the story to this maybe-novel.  So, in a very essential kind of way, this blog is actually ALL about me writing something.

It's a bit Fishy (Part 1)

Curious similarities in priestly headgear 
I recently delved back into some murky, ancient tomes, and came away with a distinctly fishy flavour. A heavenly, Godly, fishy flavour, in fact.  I even discovered something quite intriguing, and (I thought) original (but then I discovered someone else had already discovered it..damn the internet!)


Saturday, September 11, 2010

The Horns of a ...?

OK, pop quiz/statistical survey combination time!!

Most of you should be familiar with this popular idiom.  Traditionally, there is only one answer, but apparently I'm part of a small minority when it comes down to the way that the word the completes the phrase in the title is spelled!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Daily Bread

Where to begin?
I think I've spent about three or four weeks going through any one of a dozen different topics (which I've been researching, and re-reading about, and making sure I have my facts straight, and blah blah blah), trying to come up with something that was fitting as a first blog post.

You'd think I'd know by now that the first anything is never perfect, and to keep in mind that old, sweet adage: Keep it Simple, Stupid!