Saturday, November 20, 2010

Time to clean the windows?

Cor, I am NOT cleaning that one!
Quite some time ago, I came across the theory that ghosts, aliens, visitations, sightings, and a whole host of ethereal, mysterious, mind-boggling and unexplained phenomena can be explained by one thing.

Time Travel.

Well, not specifically Time Travel. More like Time...Windows?
By which I mean, little windows in time that offer glimpses - fleeting or otherwise - of another time, perhaps another place. Now, I'm not necessarily claiming that this *is* in fact a way of explaining all the abovementioned unexplainables. 
It is, however, a very intriguing idea...

Sunday, November 14, 2010

On the use of technology to unfetter, not enchain...

I recently read this blog and I felt compelled to produce a response.

See normally, in other circumstances, I'd agree with Mr. Tierney. In fact, I do agree with him, on a number of points. I love books. I love the look of them, the feel of them, the smell of them. I've experienced all of the things mentioned in that blog in relation to books. I'd like to state, right here, for the record: I sincerely, unequivocally, most strenuously hope and wish that books - real, physical books - will remain a part of the human experience for as long as there is a human to experience it.


Sunday, October 31, 2010

Trick or treat around the Maypole!

Evil spirits beware! People getting nekkid!
Yeah, that time of year again.
The time we celebrate hallowe'en! Yay!

Wait, we're in the southern hemisphere.  Why are celebrating halloween now?
I mean, shouldn't this be our time of fertility and celebration?

Makes little sense to me that we follow blindly in the footsteps of our Northern Hemisphere forebears. But lets not get bogged down in the where's and whyfor's of all that.

Main purpose here? To be lazy and make a blog from copypasting a wee conversation I had on the issue. Got us on to the topic of the Wiccan... whatever it is.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

The Beast Inside

'Who knows what evil lurks inside the hearts of men?'
Had an interesting Monday night.  A conversation with a friend led me to thinking about the darker side of the mind, and how we all handle that particular side of ourselves.

What do I mean about the darker side of the mind?  I guess it's all those thoughts and impulses that we somehow know we shouldn't have. Whether we have an inner moral code which is in opposition to these thoughts, or because society dictates that 'those thoughts' are 'bad', depends on the person. At root, it's those darker, more sinister thoughts that the majority of us will (almost) never act upon. Doesn't stop us having them, of course.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Dracula: Dead and Buried?

Pretty sure this guy doesn't glitter...
If I were Dracula (and I mean, the original Dracula, Bram Stoker stylee), I'd be turning over in my coffin, unable to get a good days sleep.  Why? Cos there are unscrupulous bastards out there, perverting the real image of me and my kind (again, if I were Dracula, that is.  I'm not a vampire. Really)

Sunday, September 19, 2010

A bad case of writers blog

Yes ok, two blogs in one day? What the...?

I write when I feel the urge. I'm not going to force a blog entry out, just cos I feel the need to keep to at least a 'one-a-week' schedule.  Having said that, yes, I do intend to make one (quasi-interesting) blog entry every week.  Or close to, anyway.

At the start of this blog, I sort of wanted to keep out any hint of my writing something which may or may not turn into a novel of sorts one day.  But, I... changed my mind.  Part of it has something to do with this blog.  In a way, I'm kind of using this blog as a way of doing research, and clarifying the thought processes that are going into the background of the story to this maybe-novel.  So, in a very essential kind of way, this blog is actually ALL about me writing something.

It's a bit Fishy (Part 1)

Curious similarities in priestly headgear 
I recently delved back into some murky, ancient tomes, and came away with a distinctly fishy flavour. A heavenly, Godly, fishy flavour, in fact.  I even discovered something quite intriguing, and (I thought) original (but then I discovered someone else had already discovered it..damn the internet!)


Saturday, September 11, 2010

The Horns of a ...?

OK, pop quiz/statistical survey combination time!!

Most of you should be familiar with this popular idiom.  Traditionally, there is only one answer, but apparently I'm part of a small minority when it comes down to the way that the word the completes the phrase in the title is spelled!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Daily Bread

Where to begin?
I think I've spent about three or four weeks going through any one of a dozen different topics (which I've been researching, and re-reading about, and making sure I have my facts straight, and blah blah blah), trying to come up with something that was fitting as a first blog post.

You'd think I'd know by now that the first anything is never perfect, and to keep in mind that old, sweet adage: Keep it Simple, Stupid!